Gum Karaya

Gum Karaya


about gum karaya

Gum karaya or gum sterculia, also known as Indian gum tragacanth, is a vegetable gum produced as an exudate by trees of the genus Sterculia.

We are the one of the top companies to establish state of the art processing and gum collection facilities . This helps us to ensure that our customers get the best product at the best price !

Various uses

Karaya gum is used in cosmetics and food as well as in pharmaceuticals , It is also used as a thickener in medications, cosmetics, and denture adhesives; and as a binder and stabilizer in foods and beverages. 

top sources

We have our highly equipped factories in the world’s leading Gum Karaya producing nation which is Mali and Senegal

We buy the produce directly from the farmers and then process it in our facilities this helps us in providing our customers the product at best price.